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lab-01 - provisioning of lab resources

As always, we need to provision lab environment before we can start working on the lab tasks.

Infrastructure for Lab environment is implemented using Bicep and code is located under iac folder. Most of the resources are implemented as Bicep modules. The master orchestration Bicep file is infra.bicep. It orchestrates deployment of the following resources:

  • Azure Resource Group iac-ws5-rg in westeurope region
  • Azure Private Virtual Network iac-ws5-vnet with the following subnets:
    • GatewaySubnet - for Azure Virtual Network Gateway
    • dnsresolver-inbound-snet - for Azure DNS Private Resolver inbound endpoint
    • testvm-snet - to deploy test VM
    • plinks-snet - for Azure Private Endpoints
  • Azure Virtual Network Gateway with Point-To-Site VPN configuration
  • Azure SQL Server with AdventureWorksLT sample database. SQL Server is configured with Azure AD authentication and iac-ws5-sql-administrators Azure AD group is set as SQL Server administrators
  • Azure Key Vault to further implement Private Endpoint for Azure Key Vault
  • Azure Virtual Machine testVM (with nic and disk) for testing

Task #1 - Register required resource providers

Before we deploy lab resources, we need to register required resource providers. This is a one time operation (per subscription).

az provider register -n Microsoft.Network
az provider register -n Microsoft.OperationalInsights
az provider register -n Microsoft.Storage
az provider register -n Microsoft.Sql
az provider register -n Microsoft.Compute
az provider register -n Microsoft.KeyVault

Task #2 - Authorize the Azure VPN application

  1. Sign in to the Azure portal as a user that is assigned the Global administrator role.
  2. Grant admin consent for your organization. This allows the Azure VPN application to sign in and read user profiles. Copy and paste the URL that pertains to your deployment location in the address bar of your browser:


  1. Select the account that has the Global administrator role if prompted.
  2. On the Permissions requested page, select Accept.


Some participants reported that they got the following error message:

AADSTS500200: User account ... is a personal Microsoft account. Personal Microsoft accounts are not supported for this application unless explicitly invited to an organization. Try signing out and signing back in with an organizational account."

In that case try following:

  • create new Azure AD user
  • assign it with Global Administrator role
  • sign in with this new user into Azure portal (that will require to change the password)
  • use this user to Authorize the Azure VPN application

Task #3 - deploy lab resources

Now, let's deploy lab resources.

First, clone the repo. If you use SSH, use the following command:

git clone

If you use HTTPS, use the following command:

git clone
# change directory to iac folder
cd .\azure-private-links-labs\iac\

# Deploy Bicep master template

Note! You will need to provide admin password for test VM. Note that supplied password must be between 8-123 characters long and must satisfy at least 3 of password complexity requirements from the following:

  • Contains an uppercase character
  • Contains a lowercase character
  • Contains a numeric digit
  • Contains a special character
  • Control characters are not allowed

For example, FooBar123! is valid password :)


The deploy.ps1 script does the following things:

  • it creates new Azure AD Group called iac-ws5-sql-administrators
  • it gets your signed in user object id and adds it to iac-ws5-sql-administrators group (you will be SQL Server admin)
  • it gets your egress public IP address (by calling
  • it asks you for test VM admin password
  • it deploys iac/infra.bicep Bicep template at the current subscription scope with parameters collected above (signedInUserId, sqlAdminsGroupName, sqlAdminsGroupObjectId, homeIP)

Estimated deployment time

Because of Azure Virtual Network Gateway, deployment takes approx. 35-40 minutes.

If deployment of Virtual Machine failed, most likely it's because of the password complexity requirements. Check the error message, use different password and rerun deployment script again. It will only deploy resources that failed to deploy.

Task #4 - configure Azure VPN client

Check that Azure VPN client is installed on your machine. If not, download and install it from here, or use winget (only for Windows users):

winget install "azure vpn client"

Next, from Azure portal, download client profile configuration file for VPN Gateway we just provisioned. Go to your Virtual network gateway resource iac-ws5-vgw and click on Download VPN client file.


Extract .zip archive. It contains two folder:


Start Azure Vpn client and import azurevpnconfig.xml file from AzureVPN folder. It will create new VPN connection profile.


When azurevpnconfig.xml file is loaded, click Save.


You will now see new VPN connection profile in Azure VPN client and you can connect to it.


You will be asked to enter your Azure AD credentials and if everything is configured correctly, you will be connected to your Azure lab environment. Note, you will only need to provide your Azure AD credentials when you connect to VPN for the first time. Next time you will be connected automatically.


Under the Connected properties you can find what is your VPN IP Address and what VPN routes are available. As you can see, our iac-ws5-vnet address range ( is accessible. You can find the same VPN IP Address if you run ipconfig command in your terminal.



Task #5 - test connectivity to testVM

Get your testVM private IP address

az vm list-ip-addresses -g iac-ws5-rg -n testVM --query [0][0] -o tsv

Make sure that Azure VPN is connected, use this IP and connect to testVM using RDP. Use iac-admin as username (if you haven't change it) and use password you provided during deployment.


You should now be able to remote into testVM.

Task #6 - configure testVM

While you are at testVM, download and install latest version of az cli from this link

When installed, open PowerShell and login to your azure account by running:

az login

Check that you logged in and that your active subscription is the correct one (if you have more than one subscription):

az account show

Task #7 - test connectivity to SQL database

Start Azure Data Studio. If you haven't install it yet, download and install Azure Data Studio or install it with winget (Windows only).

winget install -e --id Microsoft.AzureDataStudio

SQL logical server names are globally unique, so we all have different SQL server names. Let's get your SQL server name:

az sql server list -g iac-ws5-rg --query [0].name -o tsv

SQL Server name

Further down in all labs, you should replace YOUR-SQL-SERVER-NAME with value you received from the command above. It will looks something like iac-ws5-...-sql

Create a new connection to Azure SQL Server and use the following parameters:


Parameter Value
Connection type Microsoft SQL Server
Input type Parameters
Authentication type Azure Active Directory - Universal with MFA support
Account Click Add an account, authenticate with your Azure AD account, and then select your account from the list
Database Default or select iac-ws5-sqldb


Server connection string should be in form of,1433.

Both suffix and port 1433 are required.

Keep remaining parameters as default and click Connect. You should now be connected to Azure SQL Server.



Some users (myself included) reported that they had the following error message User account '' not found in MSAL cache, please add linked account or refresh account credentials.

In that case, restart Azure Data Studio and try again. I needed to restart it 2-3 times :(

Task #8 - test connectivity to Azure KeyVault

Test that you have access to Azure KeyVault.

# Get your keyvault name 
$keyVaultName = (az keyvault list --query [0].name -g iac-ws5-rg -otsv)

# Print keyvault name

# Insert new secret into keyvault
az keyvault secret set --vault-name $keyVaultName --name "foo" --value "bar"

# Get foo secret from keyvault
az keyvault secret show --vault-name $keyVaultName --name "foo" --query value -otsv

# Get all secrets
az keyvault secret list --vault-name $keyVaultName